Food & restaurants

Menu Recommendation System

Optimizing restaurant menus for more delivery.


Menu Recommendation System creates digital solutions aimed to elevate the dining experience of users and provide revolutionary tools for decision-making powered by artificial intelligence, social networks, and data-driven insights into dinners tastes and lifestyles preferences. The app learns about the user’s taste and food preferences and recommends perfect dishes. Through Menu Recommendation System foodlists users can explore and follow various restaurant guides that source dishes from restaurant menus nearby and update recommendations based on any user’s location.

Our mission: Mission is to provide diners with a tool to make faster and more informed decisions and facilitate faster and enjoyable eating. Users can search menus using such natural enquiries as “white meat” or “light food” and find dishes with desired ingredients and flavors. Food pairing recommendations facilitate building a multi-course meal while the ability to sort menu items by ratings or value drive the customer experience. Menu Recommendation System also allows diners to discover new restaurants, dishes, cuisines.

Target market: The target audience of Menu Recommendation System are mostly diners, restaurants, cafes and other food services. They already have loyal customers with successful cases that trust Menu Recommendation System user experience optimisation and sales funnel development.

Fields of interest: Menu Recommendation System is now available at 280K restaurants and aims to increase these number through a short period of time.